All nine Albertsons stores in the Denver-metro area will be re-branded as Safeway stores.  The transition will be completed by mid-October.  This is great news for Safeway fans as now we have more store locations to choose from when we shop!
The stores will also undergo $15 million in renovations, which is more great news as the remodeled stores are always so much nicer to shop.
“It made sense strategically having the power of one brand in the Denver Metro area, said Safeway spokeswoman Kris Staaf. Â “It’s going to allow us to better serve our customers”.
The stores that will be re-branded include:
- 1200 S. Buckley Rd., Aurora.
- 6100 S. Gun Club Rd., Aurora.
- 7450 S. University, Centennial.
- 323 S. Broadway, Denver.
- 200 Quebec St., Denver.
- 910 W. Cherry Ave., Louisville.
- 8434 S. Kipling Pkwy., Littleton.
- 500 E. 120 th Ave., Northglenn.
- 3840 E. 104 th Ave., Thornton.
The Colorado Springs Albertsons stores will remain Albertsons for now, and they get the same sales, promotions and pricing as Safeway stores as well as the Just for U program that was launched for Albertsons customers in July.
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* Please note – Savings information is based on Colorado pricing and the Safeway Coupon Policy for the Denver Division which includes Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming and South Dakota. Your market may vary. *