Diamond of California Walnuts Sale – Get 1 Pound for Just $4.49, Save $8.50


Diamond of California Walnuts Sale

February is national heart month, and walnut are a super healthy nut that support heart health!  Stock up on walnuts at Safeway with this amazing deal on Diamond of California Walnuts.

Walnuts are great for cooking, baking and just for simply snacking.  We love to use walnuts in pesto and for making baklava! California walnuts are a good-fat food that bring flavor, texture and heart-healthy goodness to all your favorite meals.

Pick up Diamond of California Walnuts 16 oz on sale for $5.99 through 2/24

There is a special offer in the February Big Book of Savings where you can save an additional $2.00 when you purchase 1 Diamond 16 oz shelled walnuts and 1 Signature SELECT Olive oil 16.9 oz.  The olive oil is not on sale, but with the extra $1.00 savings, you’ll pay just $4.49 for the oil and $4.49 for the walnuts, which is a fantastic savings!

  • Diamond of California Walnuts 16 oz on sale for $5.99 through 2/24
    • Save $2.00 when you buy 1 Diamond Walnuts 16 oz and 1 Signature SELECT Olive Oil for $4.99 everyday
    • Final Price = $8.98 total or $4.49 each



big book

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* Please note – Savings information is based on Colorado pricing and the Safeway Coupon Policy for the Denver Division which includes Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming and South Dakota. Your market may vary. Prices may vary per location*

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