Get Eggo Nutri Grain Waffles Just $1.99 Each at Safeway

Nurti grain Eggos sale


Eggo Nutri Grain Waffles at Safeway

Safeway has Eggo Nutri Grain waffles on sale for just $1.99 with a new buy 3 Kellogg’s items promotion through January 15th.   The whole line of Eggo waffles 8-10 ct. is $1.99 when you buy three, but this is an especially great price for the Eggo Nutri-Grain Waffles because these rarely go on sale for this low!  The great thing is you do not need any coupons for this hot price.  These are regularly $3.29, but with the sale you are saving 39%!  Now all you need to do is head to the store and stock up.

The Eggo Nutri-Grain Low Fat waffles are made with whole wheat, have a light, crispy texture and are made with nutritious whole grain, so you can have the great Eggo taste, with less fat!  My kids love the blueberry waffles and I love that they are getting whole grains in their breakfast – skip the syrup and top with all natural peanut butter and some fresh berries for a perfect breakfast to get the kids ready on a school day!

Kellogg’s Eggo Waffles Sale

  • Eggo Waffles and Nutri Grain Waffles 10- 12.3 fl oz on sale for $1.99 when you buy 3, mix or match through 1/15/19
    • Final price = $ 1.99


If you are a Kellogg’s Family Rewards Member, you can redeem 850 points to get a coupon for$1.00 off any 1 Eggo product, which will bring the final price to just $.99 a package!


Nurti grain eggos




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