Hamburger Helper Meals Just $.75 With Sale and Coupon, Save 62%


New Hamburger Helper Coupon and Sale

Safeway has Hamburger Helper meal helpers on sale for $1.00 through October 5th.  There is a new printable Hamburger Helper Coupon you can use with the sale to bring the price down even further to just $.75 a box.  With so many flavors t choose from, you can have beef stroganoff, cheeseburger macaroni, tuna helper, crunchy taco and more.  Simply add ground beef or ground turkey and you can have dinner on the table in 20 minutes or less!  Normally $1.99 each box, you save 62% with the sale and coupon.  If this is a regular purchase item in your household, be sure to print 2 coupons and load the Just for U coupon and get 12 boxes for just $.75 each to stock the pantry and not pay full price when you need it!

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