Safeway Couponing Group
We have great news – Super Safeway has a new group on Facebook! Â Join our new Safeway Couponing Group to see all our deal posts in one place and in your news feed. Â We strive to find and share the best deals at Safeway every week with and without coupons, so this is just one more way for you to get the information.
Did you know that Facebook only displays posts from pages to just 7% – 9% of the pages followers? Â This is why we have been sharing our posts throughout Colorado coupon groups. Â But since all that sharing takes time away from blogging, we are creating a Safeway Couponing Group and we hope you will join the group in addition to following our Super Safeway Facebook page to continue receiving all our great deal information.
The best part about Facebook groups is that when you engage with the group, you see all the posts.  We hope you take advantage of the new group format to make our Super Safeway community more interactive.  Share great deals you find, share your coupon hauls, ask questions or give us a heads up on a new coupon or deal we may have missed.  Be sure to enable notification of our group in your Facebook settings so that you are always in the know.
All the ways to connect with Super Safeway:
1. Follow our Super Safeway Facebook page
2. Â Join our Safeway Couponing Facebook Group
7. Follow us on our You Tube Channel
Super Safeway is a blog devoted to helping you find the best deals at Safeway in the Denver division.  Every week we slice and dice the ad and tell you the best deals at Safeway with and without coupons.  For more low prices, check out Super Safeway’s weekly ad coupon matchup page. Want to stay updated on the best deals? If so, make sure to like Super Safeway on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and subscribe to our newsletter.
* Please note – Savings information is based on Colorado pricing and the Safeway Coupon Policy for the Denver Division which includes Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming and South Dakota. Your market may vary. *