New Tropicana Essentials Probiotics Juice at Safeway – Save $2.00 With Coupon and Sale

Tropicana Probiotics Coupon

New! Tropicana Essentials Probiotics Juice

Tropicana is the first juice company to launch a probiotic juice product and it’s on shelves at Safeway stores.  It’s also on sale and we have a couple of matching coupons, available, so it’s a great time to try this new “functional” juice.  Made with 100% juice and no added sugars, Tropicana Essentials Probiotic juices come in three flavors including strawberry banana, peach passion fruit and pineapple mango.  With the new sale and coupons, you can try all three flavors and save 40% in the process!

tropicana probiotics flavors

If you are not familiar with probiotics – they are are live microorganisms (bacteria and yeasts) that are good for your health, especially your digestive system and immunity.  Probiotics have traditionally been found in yogurt, supplements and kombucha, so it’ll be interesting to see how this tastes in juice.

  • Tropicana Essentials Probiotics Juice 32 oz on sale for $3.99 at Safeway through 3/21

Normally $4.99 each, you save 40% on this new probiotic juice!

tropicana essentials probiotics coupon

Note – While the coupon says, available at Walmart, it is a manufacturer coupon that can be used at Safeway.

Super Safeway is a blog devoted to helping you find the best deals at Safeway in the Denver division.  Every week we slice and dice the ad and tell you the best deals at Safeway with and without coupons.  For more low prices, check out Super Safeway’s weekly ad coupon matchup page. Want to stay updated on the best deals? If so, make sure to like Super Safeway on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and subscribe to our newsletter.

* Please note – Savings information is based on Colorado pricing and the Safeway Coupon Policy for the Denver Division which includes Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming and South Dakota. Your market may vary. *

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