Pine-Sol Cleaners on Sale
Clean your entire house on the cheap with this hot deal on Pine-Sol Multi-Surface Cleaner at Safeway. the 48 oz bottles are on sale for $2.50 when you buy 2 participating Clorox cleaning supplies. there is a printable coupon available for $.75off 1 Pine-Sol Cleaner that will “double” up to $1.00 automatically at Safeway, birnging the cost of each bottle to just $1.50! Normally $$4.29, you’ll save 65% on your purchase. Check out the full list of Clorox cleaning products included in the buy 2, save $2 promotion here.
- Pine-Sol Cleaner 48 oz on sale for $2.50 when you buy 2, mix and match through 11/6
- Print and use $.75/1 Pine-Sol 40 oz or more coupon (print 2)
- Final Price = $1.50 each
Check out the hot new printable coupons available for extra savings at Safeway here:
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* Please note – Savings information is based on Colorado pricing and the Safeway Coupon Policy for the Denver Division which includes Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming and South Dakota. Your market may vary. Prices may vary per location*