What’s On Sale in March?

on sale in march

What’s On Sale In March?

Many of us are anxiously awaiting spring’s arrival this month and with warmer weather on the way, you may have the color green on your minds!  Tender green asparagus, cabbage and artichokes, green for St. Patrick’s Day – clovers, leprechauns, green beer and, and of course green for saving cash.  This month is full of events as well like National Frozen Food month, first day of spring, and March madness – so there are plenty of savings opportunities abound.

Grocery Deals to Expect in March

  • National Frozen Food Month: Save on ice cream, frozen meals, veggies, fries, waffles, pizzas, side dishes, desserts, and more.
  • March Madness: Prepare for great deals on party snack foods, including soda, chips, dips, cheese, crackers, condiments, snacks, wings, and cut fruit and veggie trays.
  • St. Patrick’s Day: Watch for discounts on Irish favorites like corned beef, cabbage, Irish soda bread and of course, green beer!
  • Spring/Easter:  Easter falls on April 21st this year, so this month there will be sales on seafood for Lent, Easter decorations, baskets, candy, ham, eggs and egg dyeing kits, gift sets, and more.
  • Spring Produce: Get the season’s first fresh artichokes, asparagus, avocado, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, grapefruit, grapes, lemons and limes, mushrooms, onions, peas, radish, rhubarb, spinach, and strawberries.
  • National Nutrition Month: Look for sales and promotions on nutrition and health bars, shakes, supplements, vitamins and more this month.
  • National Flour Month: Look for sales on flour as well as sweepstakes and contests from flour manufacturers

What spring sale item are you most excited about?  For me – definitely Irish soda bread and corned beef and cabbage!


Super Safeway is a blog devoted to helping you find the best deals at Safeway in the Denver division.  Every week we slice and dice the ad and tell you the best deals at Safeway with and without coupons.  For more low prices, check out Super Safeway’s weekly ad coupon matchup page. Want to stay updated on the best deals? If so, make sure to like Super Safeway on Facebook, follow us on TwitterInstagram, and subscribe to our newsletter.

* Please note – Savings information is based on Colorado pricing and the Safeway Coupon Policy for the Denver Division which includes Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming and South Dakota. Your market may vary. *

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