Wild Copper River Salmon On Sale at Safeway – Save 57%!

copper river salmon

HOT Wild Copper River Salmon Sale

I am ecstatic about the amazing sale price on Copper River Salmon at Safeway right now.  While you may think $12.99/lb. is high – you have to understand a bit about Copper River Salmon and what makes it so special to realize that this is really a great price for WILD Alaskan salmon.  This is normally $29.99/lb. so at $12.99/lb, you are saving 57% or $17/lb.

Copper River Salmon is only in season one time a year for just three weeks.  My Safeway butcher told me that first you get King Salmon, then Sockeye then Coho.  I bought the King Salmon last week and the Sockeye today.  It’s so lean, flavorful and delicious!

There’s not one thing that makes Wild Alaskan Copper River King, Sockeye, and Coho Salmon different—there are many. Deep color. Silken texture. Rich flavor. The Copper River difference is in the extra fat these fish store to sustain their arduous, upriver journey to the stream where they were born.

I simply grilled the salmon over foil seasoned with olive oil, salt, pepper and fresh dill.  This salmon is so thin, I didn’t even have to flip it and it was ready in about 8 minutes.

Check out these great recipes you can use to prepare the wild Copper River Salmon at home.

One Pan Salmon and Linguini

Salmon Burgers

Parchment Baked Salmon

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* Please note – Savings information is based on Colorado pricing and the Safeway Coupon Policy for the Denver Division which includes Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming and South Dakota. Your market may vary. *




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