Dole Dippers Just $1.99 at Safeway, Save 64%

Dole Dippers


Dole Dippers Just $1.99 at Safeway – Save 64%

Strawberries and chocolate – YUM – one of my favorite flavor combinations!  Right now you can pick up Dole Dippers at Safeway for just $1.99 with a new sale and coupon.  Dole Dippers are chocolate covered frozen fruit snacks available in strawberry, pineapple or banana flavors.  Safeway has the Dole Dippers on sale for $2.99 through 9/25 in the Big Book of Savings.  There is an insert coupon from the SmartSource 8/21 issue for $.75 off 1 Dole Dippers.  When you use this with the sale, you’ll pay just $1.50.  These are normally over $5 at Safeway, so you save 64% with this deal.

  • Dole Dippers on sale for $2.99 through 9/25
    • Clip and use $.75 off 1 Dole Dippers Coupon from 8/21 SmartSource
    • Final Price = $1.99

dole dippers sale

Here is one additional high-value Dole Coupon you may want to print.  The Dole Fruit Blends are also on sale for $2.99 – so if they carry Fruit and Spice Frozen Fruit Blend – it will be just $.99.  We’ll look for these at Safeway and see if it’s also on sale:

$2.00 off 1 Dole Fruit & Spice Frozen Fruit

dole dippers

We are giving away $250 in Safeway Gift Cards to 5 lucky readers!  Enter to win one of 5 $50.00 gift cards to Safeway.  The contest runs through 8/31 at 10 pm MDT and winners will be announced on Thursday, September 1st. Click here to find out more and enter the drawing.

SuperSafeway is a blog devoted to helping you find the best deals at Safeway in the Denver division.  Every week we slice and dice the ad and tell you the best deals at Safeway with and without coupons.  For more low prices, check out Super Safeway’s weekly ad coupon matchup page. Want to stay updated on the best deals? If so, make sure to like Super Safeway on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and subscribe to our newsletter.

* Please note – Savings information is based on Colorado pricing and the Safeway Coupon Policy for the Denver Division which includes Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming and South Dakota. Your market may vary. *



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