Starbucks to Give Free Coffee or Tea
Starbucks is offering free coffee to frontline responders and health care workers through May 3. Many Safeway stores have a Starbucks location and those locations are open during this crisis.
Any customer who identifies as a frontline responder to the COVID-19 pandemic will receive a tall brewed coffee or tea (hot or iced) at no charge.
The offer is for police officers, firefighters, paramedics, doctors, nurses, hospital and medical staff as well as medical researchers.
The Starbucks cafes located inside Safeway stores are open from 7 am to 6 pm.
This is a wonderful way that Starbucks is showing gratitude for those first responders in this time of need when they are burning the midnite oil to keep our communities safe.
Starbucks Foundation Donations
In addition to free coffee, the Starbucks Foundation is also giving donating to two organizations helping support frontline responders.
Starbucks says $250,000 will go to Operation Gratitude, an organization working to deliver 50,000 care packages to healthcare workers.
Additionally, another $250,000 will go to Direct Relief, an organization supporting the delivery of personal protective equipment and essential medical items.
Safeway Foundation Donations
Read all about what Safeway is doing to help fight hunger during this crisis with a $3 million donation and new community fundraiser to help local food banks.
How to Get Free Coffee
The frontline responders and healthcare workers seeking free coffee simply need to identify as such at your local Safeway Starbucks location and the barista will inform you of the free options available.
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