Buying Sustainable Seafood from Safeway



Safeway Seafood Sustainability

If you are looking for seafood that’s responsibly caught this Lenten season, be sure to head into your local Safeway where they are continuously working to provide you with fresh and frozen seafood that meets their Responsible Seafood Program requirements.

What does Responsibly Caught mean?

Responsibly Caught Seafood is based on a simple principle – meet today’s needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.  Responsibly sourced seafood is fished or farmed in a way that safeguards future seafood supplies while minimizing impacts on surrounding ecosystems

Safeway’s seafood policy incorporates the widely recognized and credible seafood rating system developed by the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch Program as well as world recognized sustainable seafood certifications like the Marine Stewardship CouncilAquaculture Stewardship Council, and Best Aquaculture Practices. The ranking and certifications assess fisheries and farms against scientifically based standards, which are peer reviewed, and take into account management measures, data quality, and environmental impacts.

These seafood certification organizations have teams of scientists who evaluate the impacts of seafood fishing and farming so that you know which seafood to buy and which to avoid.

By purchasing fish from an environmentally responsible source, you are helping to ensure there are more fish in the sea for future generations. Safeway only carries seafood that is in line with their rigorous Responsibly Sourced Seafood Program, which ensures the seafood is sourced from an environmentally preferred source.

Whether you like farm-raised seafood, or wild-caught seafood, Safeway has many options available.


The Open Nature line of seafood products are wild-caught rather than farmed. Choose from Open Nature Wild-caught US Shrimp, Wild-caught Alaskan Sockeye Salmon, Wild-caught Pacific Halibut, Wild-Caught Scallops, Wild-caught Pacific Cod, Wild-caught Swordfish Steaks, and Wild-caught Yellowfin Tuna Steaks.

The Waterfront BISTRO line of farmed shrimp products and the Signature Kitchens frozen seafood products meet Safeway’s Responsible Seafood Policy as well.   These are mostly farmed seafood items that are sustainably sourced to bring you a wide variety of seafood options that you can feel good about.  Choose from swai fillets, tilapia fillets, and wild pink salmon fillets.

There are also individual fish portions available in the fresh and frozen cases so you can pick up what you need rather than buying a huge package of seafood that may not get used right away.  Choose from cod, swordfish or salmon 5 oz portions, or steelhead trout 5 oz portion in the seafood case.

Safeway also carries wild-caught scallop pieces.  Read our review and get a recipe for scallop scallop here.



The fresh seafood case also has both wild-caught and farmed seafood and Safeway ensures you know where the seafood comes from with clear labels on all products.  You can always ask the seafood specialist if you have any questions.

Join me in a Facebook Live event Thursday, March 21st from 10 – 10:30 where I talk about the Safeway Responsible Seafood products and share 2 easy and delicious recipes using seafood from Safeway, perfect for Lent.


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* Please note – Savings information is based on Colorado pricing and the Safeway Coupon Policy for the Denver Division which includes Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming and South Dakota. Your market may vary. Prices may vary per location*

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