HOT! Signature SELECT Canned Tomatoes and Beans Just $.25 each at Safeway!

signature select beans coupon

Stock up on Signature SELECT Beans, Tomatoes and Chili Seasoning at Safeway


Chili season is in full swing – be sure to stock up on Signature SELECT canned beans, tomatoes and chili seasoning to make a few delicious pots of chili for your family.  The cans are just $.25 each with a new Just for U Digital coupon valid 3 days only – Friday through Sunday.  Regularly priced $.79  – $.89 each, you’ll save 72% with the digital coupon.  Be sure to get 12 to maximize your savings.

  • Signature SELECT Canned Beans, Tomatoes or Chili Seasoning on sale for $.50 each through 10/23
    • Load Just for U Digital Coupon for $.25 Signature SELECT Beans, Tomatoes and Chili Seasoning (Limit 12)
    • Final Price = $.25 each

signature select beans

Check out a few delicious chili recipes that you can make using the beans here:

Killer Beef Chili Recipe

killer beef chili

Jalapeno Popper Turkey Chili

jalapeno popper turkey chili



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* Please note – Savings information is based on Colorado pricing and the Safeway Coupon Policy for the Denver Division which includes Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming and South Dakota. Your market may vary. Prices may vary per location*

2 thoughts on “HOT! Signature SELECT Canned Tomatoes and Beans Just $.25 each at Safeway!”

  1. The print ad and the digital coupon says “Signature Kitchens”, not “Signature Select”. The two are different Safeway house brands. In past I have found that MOST of the time the digital coupons treat them the same, but this has NOT always been the case.

    It appears to me that Safeway is phasing “Signature Kitchens” out in favor of “Signature Select” as more and more items that used to be “Kitchens” are now “Select”. I’ve also noticed that when both “Kitchens” and “Select” items of the same type are on the shelf that you need to be careful.

    1. Thanks Arthur. I did not see a single Signature Kitchen canned tomato or bean product on the shelf, so despite the coupon saying Signature Kitchens – it worked on the Signature SELECT Canned items. I believe you are correct that Safeway is phasing out the Signature Kitchens line for those particular items.

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