NEW DIY Halloween Cookie and Cupcake Decorating Kits at Safeway


DIY Halloween Cookie Decorating Kits

Celebrate the season and make memories with the kids while decorating cookies or cupcakes with a new DIY Halloween Cookie Decorating Kit from the Safeway bakery. 

Fun for the whole family – each child can custom decorate their own cookie or cupcake any way they want!

For only $6, choose from 18 sugar cookies with three frosting piping bags plus a container of fall colored sprinkles.  The cookies are baked fresh daily in the Safeway bakery.

Alternatively, you can get 6 cupcakes (3 vanilla and 3 chocolate) with three piping bags of frosting and a sprinkles tin – also only $6.  

Choose from brown, orange, and yellow buttercream frosting with the cookies or purple, green, and orange buttercream frosting on the cupcakes.   The frosting is already in a piping bag with the tip cut – so these are ready to use in any setting!

I had the opportunity to pick up one cupcake kit and one cookie decorating kit for my kiddos. 

They were so excited to decorate their own cookies and even had a competition where dad got to judge and pick the most festive cookie(s).  Of course, he chose one from each child to be fair, but it was super fun nonetheless. 

And the cookies and cupcakes taste amazing – super moist, and incredibly flavorful.  I have been missing out on these sugar cookies! 

These DIY kits are perfect for Halloween parties at your children’s elementary school if they are having one. 

This can also be a great alternative activity to trick or treating for any families not participating this year. 


Tips for DIY Cookie Decorating

While the kits are completely self-contained – I found I needed a few things to make the decorating and clean up easier. 

  • Use a glass table – or cover a wooden table with craft paper or wax paper and give the kids each a paper plate to use as their decorating station
  • Have at least 3 knives (one for each color) available for the kids to spread the frosting as you don’t want the colors to mix.
  • Give each child a wet paper towel to clean frosting fingers
  • Set the ground rules that no knives or fingers can be licked while decorating 😉
  • Have fun!





Be sure to also pick up some of the amazing seasonal pumpkin and apple spice flavored baked goods while in the bakery.   My two personal favorites are the streusel-topped pumpkin muffins and the apple cider doughnuts!  Not to be missed – they are AMAZING!




It will soon be time for the fantastic Yule Log Cakes that the Safeway bakery can custom make for your holiday entertaining!

This is a sponsored post on behalf of Safeway to introduce you to the new DIY Halloween Cookie Decorating Kits now available in the bakery.  As always, I appreciate and encourage your support of the brands that make this site possible.

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* Please note – Savings information is based on Colorado pricing and the Safeway Coupon Policy for the Denver Division which includes Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming and South Dakota. Your market may vary. *

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