Lindt Lindor Chocolate Bar Coupon
Surprise your co-workers or family with a Lindt Lindor Chocolate Bar that you pick up for a great price at Safeway! The new 1.3 oz Lindor Sticks are on sale for $1.00 at Safeway through the month of March. Pair this sale with a new Just for U Digital Coupon for $1.00 off 5 Lindt Lindor Chocolate Bar Sticks and you will pay just $.80 each bar. You could also save for Easter – but that is so far away, these would never last that long in my household!
Creamy caramel or milk chocolate truffles inside of pure delicious chocolate – I would have to hide them from myself since I gave up sugar for Lent! 😉
- Lindt Lindor Chocolate Bars on sale for $1.00 through March 25th
- Load Just for U Digital Coupon for $1.00 off 5 Lindt Lindor Milk Chocolate or Caramel Bars
- Final Price $.80 each
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* Please note – Savings information is based on Colorado pricing and the Safeway Coupon Policy for the Denver Division which includes Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, Wyoming and South Dakota. Your market may vary. Prices may vary per location*
Check your math – $1 off FIVE means 20 cents off each, thus 80 cents, NOT 75 cents ( $1 minus 20 cents).
Thanks Lynn. I had it correct in the post title, but then I took an extra 5 cents off in the deal scenario. post has been corrected.