Oscar Mayer P3 Protein Snacks Pay $1.00

Oscar Mayer $1 P3

Oscar Mayer P3 Protein Snacks Pay $1.00

We’ve all heard that we need to incorporate more protein into our diets to achieve optimal health and now at Safeway you can try Oscar Mayer P3 Protein Snacks to get your protein.  Offer valid until 10/18/16 and $1 each with your choice of variety!  Originally $2, now just $1 per piece 50%

Oscar Mayer P3 Protein Snacks

  • Just $1 each, pick up 2 oz Oscar Mayer P3 Protein Snacks; choice of snacks
  • Originally $2, save 50% and pay $1
  • Valid until 10/18/16
    Final price: $1 each


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